Tell us what you think.We’d love your feedback on the Living Libraries project. We’re also keen to hear your views on our virtual Living Library space. Let us know your thoughts, if you have a minute. Were you one of Living Libraries’ interviewees? If so, we have some questions for you here.Or, if you’re just interested in the project and would like to let us know what you think, we’d be very grateful! Please see the questions below. Name First Name Last Name Email After finding out about Living Libraries, and spending some time on the Living Libraries project site... ...have you learned anything new about public libraries? Yes No If yes, please explain: you feel differently about public libraries? Yes No If yes, please explain: ...will you do anything new or differently? Yes No If yes, please explain: How did you find out about the Living Libraries project? Through a friend Through social media I work in a library Other If other, please explain: What's your connection with public libraries? Please choose all that apply. I'm a regular user of public libraries I work for a library I run a library I work in the library sector more broadly I used to work for a library I'm a supporter of public libraries, but don't use them regularly Other If other, please explain: Which of our resources do you find particularly useful or interesting? Please choose all that apply. The Living Libraries audio clips Our project blog The Living Libraries policy pack The Living Libaries archive at National Life Stories The virtual Living Library space Please explain any uses you have made or are planning to make of these resources, or in what way you've found them interesting or valuable. Would you recommend or share the Living Libraries site or resources? Please choose all that apply. Yes, I'd recommend the whole site Yes, the audio clips Yes, the blog Yes, the policy pack Yes, the archive Yes, the virtual Living Library I wouldn't recommend it If you'd share the site, who with? Finally, having taken some time to explore our site, what is the one word you'd associate with public libraries? Thank you for taking the time to send your feedback on Living Libraries. We really appreciate it.